A woman politician can only win when they have a wit that is bitingly funny and the confidence to use it. Facts are facts. Wit in politics is wielded like a machete, machine gun,or smart bomb. Sometimes you need to assassinate a policy or idea and sometimes you have to go for the character. In short a woman has to be wittier than a man... insert witticism here.
Margaret Thatcher is feared, to this day, for her Wit, as is Hillary Clinton and a select group of others. The rest are defined by the barbs from the men. Hey... don't shoot the messenger. Once you understand every joke has a motive... defence is easy. The trick is in determining what is a joke and when to use the wit.
I will use a successful Alberta politician as an example. For 2 years Danielle Smith has woven together a political party out of nothing but angry disaffected interests. The party is focused, has a structure in place and nomination meetings in almost every riding. Her policies are of the same voice for everyone on big issues. Danielle has done the almost impossible.
Last week the rival PC's came out against her, and here is where she missed the joke. Ted Morton, who had a dummy singing his praises on stage backfire, said he would change the slogan of Alberta from the Wildrose Province to a strong and free sheep or something. It is an obvious attack but it needs to be responded to in humour. Here is a suggestion on how to use wit...
Press Conference... 6 bored reporters and a podium.
Danielle Smith:
Gentleman I have read with interest the musings of a candidate for the nearly 1/2 century old PC's talk of renewal and change of the license plates and slogan for Alberta. I can see why license plates are in need of change as this is the last segment of Alberta to receive funding from the PC emergency recession pot of money. I also understand having a sheep on the license plate as they signify PC party unity.
An aide appears and whispers into Danielle's ear
Sorry I am mistaken, it seems the picture on the license is in fact a Ram so whatever Frueds your ship.
Removing the slogan "Wildrose Province" for "Strong and Free" is inspired and I can only applaud the courage they showed in the selection. I too am a proud Canadian and sing O'Canada during beer commercials of Olympic Hockey games as loud as the next person. I also understand wanting to please the Federal PC candidates who are supporting Ted's run for the ancient, weathered brass ring. I wonder if it is possible to put a Rob Anders picture in the license plate? A Where's Waldo kind of idea.
I as an Albertan seeking to represent Albertans kind of like Wildrose Province. As and Albertan who has seen the "benefits" of Federal Government forays into Alberta (hello NEP)I am a little confused as to why we need to have them represented on our license plates. But if Ted wishes to support Canada on the plates at least he should revise the Alberta Coat of Arms to signify the change. Perhaps a Beaver damning up a field of Wildrose to distribute the dirty oil soaked billions fairly to Quebec. I see a contest.
So in closing... well done. With such well reasoned and fiscally restrained policies like this coming from the most Conservative of the candidates I am sure the message of the Wildrose Party will be heard. At a time when the Province is billions in deficit the cost of implementing a new license plate fits well with other PC policy platforms and financial announcements. Maybe we could put some of the old plates in the new Museum or use the old plates for roofing material for the PC funded new home of the Edmonton Oilers.
Danielle, you don't have to ignore policy announcements like this. All Alberta would understand if you take the shot.
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