Comedy relies on assumptions, innuendoes, exaggerations and most of all stigmatised, racialist and gender inappropriate stereotypes. Thank the Gods for US Weekly!
As a female the question is not when to bring out the artillery of wit but how to chose the battles. So many battles... so little time. If you have a cannon for wit best not exercise it on a cashier or you will be mocked. Save it for the bag boy. If you are a conversational wit save it for when you are behind me. What I'm saying is by saving your wit you the unfunny female can create a big bang effect not unlike a delayed pee, long overdue orgasm or a hot coffee -chocolate cream pudding sous flay a la mode apres l'amour.
A big bang is when your wit collides with some half wit idea that is gaining momentum, and you triumph or fail in spectacular style. The ultimate celluloid example of this is the Dictator by Charlie Chaplin. Wit enlivens in peace and cuts in war was a saying I made up and should appear in a test somewhere.
The reason there is a perception women are not funny comes from the support system in place to help women survive like friends and co not workers, family and loved ones, vodka. No support group of women openly encourages a friend to expose their boss in a meeting using wit and a cutting barb aimed at the balls. Well, sometimes vodka. Usually it is just not done. If it happens it is applauded, afterwards over vodka, but would get no initial vote of support.
A wit must swim upstream to the emotion. It does not make you a bad person but the symptoms are the same. Top 5 Reasons to have a serial killer as a room-mate. Best part about losing everything in the stock market... insert current mess here. If you came up with a witticism please share it with others. Exercising your wit in a responsible manner is an honourable pursuit but sometimes, the irresponsible and unexplained ferocity of an unsuspecting wit can illuminate an exchange and bring needed attention or ridicule. If you look around a lot of things need the attention of wit.
If you feel compelled to address the social issues most pressing to you by engaging both the process and players in wit know that it will win you few friends. Wit like the Tea Party should be non partisan but is often hijacked. The disturbing lack of original wit has polarized the process. A wit about the left will be used to incite the right. As Bill Mahr would say courageous.
Why aren't women funny? Because you are so nice you don;t want to to hurt society's feelings. As a part of society all I can ask is let it go, there are too many idiotic people and ideas being given credibility. The injustice or fraud you encounter and beat with wit today could prevent tomorrow's teachable moment. Yes my feelings will get hurt and if the action getting the attention of wit are illegal or immoral they will be punished. But, and this is the key, compared to the alternative your wit is apple pie.