A statistic I heard recently:
For every 1 point increase in a woman’s IQ, her marriageability drops 40%.
Haha, funny.
Perhaps I need to consult a math expert ..... ie. 2.5 points or greater increase in IQ = no marriage = just in this lifetime?
With an increased IQ, wouldn’t she intelligently be very marriageability-capable if she so desired - therefore her un-marriageabilty is largely male-culpable? And if not, is she too smart, or not smart enough? So many questions, so little time.
But the IQ quote does say ‘her marriageability drops’, implying her appealiveness (yes, I made up that word) to a potential male partner.
I digress.
“If women aren’t funny, it’s because....”:
- being taken seriously is a relatively new development.
- they’re waaay too smart.
- most of them are married.
Or catch22:
- being funny = no man = (usually) no funny.
- saying something 5 or more times for it to sink in (otherwise known as nagging), isn’t funny........... is that how we’ve come to be 5 times more verbal than the male gender!?
If none of this is funny, maybe I’m just too smart.
- submitted by (unmarried): “Her Wit Hermit”