Sunday, January 30, 2011

Women's IQ as it Relates to Their Funny Factor

A statistic I heard recently:

For every 1 point increase in a woman’s IQ, her marriageability drops 40%.

Haha, funny.

Perhaps I need to consult a math expert ..... ie. 2.5 points or greater increase in IQ = no marriage = just in this lifetime?

With an increased IQ, wouldn’t she intelligently be very marriageability-capable if she so desired - therefore her un-marriageabilty is largely male-culpable? And if not, is she too smart, or not smart enough? So many questions, so little time.

But the IQ quote does say ‘her marriageability drops’, implying her appealiveness (yes, I made up that word) to a potential male partner.

I digress.

If women aren’t funny, it’s because....”:

- being taken seriously is a relatively new development.

- they’re waaay too smart.

- most of them are married.

Or catch22:

- being funny = no man = (usually) no funny.

- saying something 5 or more times for it to sink in (otherwise known as nagging), isn’t funny........... is that how we’ve come to be 5 times more verbal than the male gender!?

If none of this is funny, maybe I’m just too smart.

- submitted by (unmarried): “Her Wit Hermit”

Make me laugh, I'd rather be Amused than Titted or Tottled

Are women funny?

Type in any browser, “why are women not funny?”and you will get a return of over 690,000 results. Did you smirk?

It is weird that atop many women’s list of what you like most about your mate I often hear “he has a great sense of humor”. I have never heard the men in my crowd express “I really love her because she’s funny”.

Some say women expect less, meaning they are easy to make laugh. I agree with the first half of that statement.

From what I remember even as a girl we were easier to make cry too. 

 If I don’t count the time my brother hit himself in the head with an axe, I never saw a man cry until 1991, when my date lost his meatball, it rolled off the table and on to the floor and then his poor meatball rolled out of the door...

Is it physiological? Is it about our brain? Is it just BS?


Some funny women in the blogosphere

To get those creative processes churning, check out these bloggers, who were mentioned in our last class.

The Bloggess
She's scathing and it's become clear that blogging is her day job. Along with her lengthy diatribes, she occasionally comments on her own experience with mental illness.

Ironic Mom
With six-year-old twins, this Calgary mom has plenty of content to fill her blog. Sarcastic and caring, blogger Leanne is a great humour blog role model.

Hyperbole and a Half
Blogger Allie has gained a huge following in the past year for her over-the-top depictions of her life, past and present. Her childhood memories come to life with 8-bit drawings and detailed commentary.

Welcome to the Wit & Women blog!

Wit & Writing for Women is a structured, vibrant and supportive, comic learning environment for women who want to improve their humorous writing and presentation skills. Humorous writing lessons and stage time is the focus.

This blog is a project currently in progress, featuring the work of a number of our Wits. Updates will include our views on funny women and some commentary on our own lives.

Think we're funny? Think we could be funnier? We are looking for your comments! Let us know how we're doing and we'll make sure to reimburse you with a clever response.